Monday, April 27, 2009

Last clinic day!

In the morning I was supposed to see a class 5 patient, but she no-showed. I saw a class 5 in the afternoon. It went really well and was a great ending to clinic. It was nice to be done with everything already, so I didn't have to worry about requirements and PE's or anything. I was able to just enjoy my last day. I can't believe it's over. Well, almost over; we've still got boards.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


In the morning I saw my board patient for a quad. It went well. It was good to see her one more time before my board exam. In the afternoon I did one quad of a class 4. I am now done with requirements. YEAH!! It's such a relief to be done and to not have to worry about anything anymore. The apt went really well. She was such a nice lady, and was very excited to have her mouth clean. She was talking about how she has been working hard to keep it clean now. She has already drastically changed her habits. It was good to see how much her homecare has already improved.


Our last mockboard went so well. I had my real board pt, so I was kind of worried about how it would go. I didn't miss any spots! It makes me feel tons better about the real thing. I did miss one probe depth, but that was all. Yeah!!