Monday, April 28, 2008


Today was the last clinic. I only needed one more quad of a class II. I am so glad my patient came; I don't know what I would have done if she hadn't come. It was the biggest relief to finish. I still need one more sealant, but I'm going into the senior clinic to do a sealant tomorrow morning. I've already got that set up, so I'm not worried about it.

Clinic today was amazing! It was my best day I think. I did 2 quads of a class II and it went really well. I didn't miss any spots. I am still too slow, but I was really happy with how well it went. She only spoke a little bit of English, but I haven't had a patient who has spoken any English at all in a while.

It is the biggest relief ever to be finished. I hope I'm ready for next year. I don't feel very ready. I have improved a lot, but I am still really slow. I guess I'll find out next year if I'm ready for next year! Right now I'm just glad for a break.

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