Monday, December 1, 2008

11-25-08 Last day of clinic

I had a class 5 pt in the morning. He was so nice. He brought me donuts. He didn't have very much calculus, and what he did have came off pretty easily. I also did 4 BWX. Everything went really well. He had to leave early, but since he was such an easy patient it didn't really matter. He was done anyway. He had the worst attrition I've ever seen. He said he grinds his teeth at night. I recommended a night guard. Hopefully he gets one; he hardly has teeth left.

My afternoon patient cancelled. I was able to pass off my desensitization PE on Julie, so at least it wasn't a complete waste. Julie passed off her caries risk assessment on me. My saliva flow was better than when we did it in lab, but it was still pretty low.

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