Wednesday, February 4, 2009


My morning patient was a class 5. She had a periodontal abcess around #31. The rest of her mouth was pretty clean, but there were deep pockets with big chunks of calculus on that one tooth. I numbed the LR quad so I could clean it out good and then placed arestin.

My afternoon patient was very difficult. she was a class 2. She didn't speak any English and had a mental disability. She layed on her right side and wouldn't turn her head to the left at all, so cleaning the linguals on the left side of her mouth was really hard, especially the UR posterior lingual surfaces. After the apt. Prof. Alexander suggested sitting her up next time and stand up to scale. That would be easier than the weird position I had to sit in. It was a good experience for me to have a patient that was difficult to scale not because of the calculus, but because of the circumstance.

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