Wednesday, February 4, 2009


My VA day yesterday was great. In the morning my patient was half hour late, so I was able to go to dental and do some injections. My morning patient ended up having really high blood pressure, so he was just going to have a dental exam and then leave, but the dentist said to go ahead and do the cleaning. He was a class 5. The apt went really well.

In the afternoon I did a set of BWX and a Pano. I really need Panos, so that was very helpful. I was also able to do more injections. He turned out to be 3 quads of a 3 and 1 quad of a 4 YEAH! I only finished 2 quads, but he is coming back for the other 2. He was a very nice man. He was anxious to start using the proxybrush and double checked that it was in his bag when he left. It's nice to have patients that listent to OHI and that I know are going to follow through.


mindy-lou said...

Hey Janet that is awesome! I got some much needed panos at the VA this week too! Just when you least expect it huh?
Despite all your no shows your doing great! Keep it up :)

Emily Welch said...

I haven't written in my blog for almost a month.. looks like you are right up there with me. Sounds like things are working out for you pretty good.. keep it up.

Anonymous said...

yay for injections! i need those dang old pano's too.... hopefully my day tomorrow at the VA is productive too.... unlike my past few days ;o)

miss you in clinic this year.... it's weird we're not all together again.... i know you miss me too! lol ;o)